ICN Testbed Federation

ICN Testbed Federation

One of the main goals of the ICN2020 project is taking information-centric networking from the research ecosystem directly to the real-world. It is done by of course the exploration of use-case scenarios and application development, but also and in particular by creating an environment that supports experimentation using global-scale platforms.

In the past years various ICN testbeds were proposed but, except some notable cases, the overall result is to obtain a closed environment and limited scenarios.

ICN2020 project efforts are not in the direction of proposing yet another testbed but instead to provide a platform as open as possible, enabling the possibility to interconnecting and federate existing testbeds, regardless of the specific ICN implementation or the software/hardware available.

The key tool for this ambitious goal is GÈANT Testbed Service (we already talked about GTS in a previous post).

The key features that makes GTS suitable for federated testbeds are:

  • complete control on the virtual machine deployed;
  • possibility to access external resources via “External Domain Port” resources.

The current efforts in the direction of a federated testbeds takes in consideration two of the main ICN Testbeds actually deployed, the NDN testbed (primarily in the US but with several nodes deployed all over the world too) and the CUTEi testbed (deployed in Japan and a few more countries ). Using GTS two primarly goals are intended to achieve by the ICN2020 project:

  • extend CUTEi testbed’s coverage, especially in Europe;
  • interconnect CUTEi nodes with NDN Testbed nodes, implementing special gateway inside GTS when needed.


Some demonstrations were already held to show the effectiveness of ICN deployments on the GTS service and the possibility of testbed’s federation:




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